Something I used to do!

When I talk at PCC the Intro to Computers course we touched on email and with many of my students having just graduated high school the following 14 Email Etiquette rules is still timely and perhaps should be shared with your students even if they are graduate students!  Have something to add? Leave a comment! 14 Email Etiquette rules handout

  1.  Include a clear, direct subject line.
  2.  Use a professional email address.
  3.  Think twice before hitting ‘reply all.’
  4.  Use professional salutations.
  5.  Use exclamation points sparingly.
  6.  Be cautious with humor.
  7.  Know that people from different cultures speak and write differently.
  8.  Reply to your emails — even if the email wasn’t intended for you.
  9.   Proofread every message.
  10. Add the email address last
  11. Double-check that you’ve selected the correct recipient.
  12. Keep your fonts classic.
  13. Keep tabs on your tone.
  14. Nothing is confidential — so write accordingly.


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